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  • Linked In: in/depimavropoulou
  • Twitter: @bitchesnwitches

Bitches n' Witches - empowering the Female Energy

The title of this workshop is deliberately provocative.

It takes the negative energy of the word ‘bitch’ and explores the hidden, negative feelings that women may have.

Negative emotions and feelings possess tremendous energy. In a safe, supportive environment, Depi enables women to consider emotions like these – consciously and subconsciously – and to accept them, acknowledge them and then transform them into a positive power and strength.

The workshop helps women to explore, accept and transform any negative qualities without fear of judgement, criticism, prejudice or exclusion.

Greater awareness of their potential for positive energy is empowering in itself to the women taking part.

Depi helps women to truly connect with their inner strength and discover the power they have to achieve their dreams and goals in life.

The ‘witch’ part recognises the intuition and healing qualities that all women possess and helps them to work towards bringing this energy to a conscious level and recognise the transforming possibilities this can have for a woman’s life, her environment, her family and her community.

Rituals connect us with our inner goddess and her qualities and with mother earth.

First delivered in Athens in 2009, this workshop has become justifiably renowned for the way in which it focuses and empowers women to harness their feminine energy.

This workshop can support women of all ages to follow their dreams, increase their confidence and believe in their capacity to restore their wounded feminine side, realise the extent of their talents and heal themselves and their environment.

In a supportive, respectful, non-competitive atmosphere, women can freely express their feminine energy and be accepted for all that they are without criticism or prejudice.

Through couselling, bodywork, body expression, guided imagery, dance, creativity, meditation and sharing, women can develop confidence, joy and a celebration of womanwood.

Connecting with other women in the workshop allows the participants to take all the benefit and support of womanhood and sisterhood.

Women are naturally supportive and demonstrate a generous exchange of ideas when they are together in a completely different way to the competitive energy shown by all male groups.

Depi is proud to say that she has seen great achievements – personal and professional - made by the women who have previously taken part in Bitches n’ Witches.